Tuan Anh Hoang-Vu

Software Engineer at Two Sigma Investments, LP.

Previously: Doctoral Candidate
New York University
Polytechnic School of Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

tuananh at nyu dot edu

  • Since August 2017, I am a Software Engineer at Two Sigma Investments, LP.
  • I successfully defended my dissertation! My dissertation title: "Spatio-temporal Keyword Index for Interactive Data Exploration" (Dec 2017)
  • I successfully defended my thesis proposal! (May 2017)
  • We're on the news! Student Hackers Team Up with Manhattan DA to Fight Human Trafficking. (Nov 2016)
  • Our paper, A Unified Index for Spatio-Temporal Keyword Queries, has been accepted to CIKM 2016! (Aug 2016)
  • I will be interning with the Engineering Team at Uber SF this summer! (Apr 2016)
  • Our paper, The More the Merrier: Efficient Multi-Source Graph Traversal, has been accepted to VLDB 2015! (Oct 2014)
  • Our team VIDA (consists of Fernando Chirigati, Kien Pham and me, mentored by Huy T. Vo) took the second place (first place in North America) in the SIGMOD 2014 programming contest. (June 2014)
  • Slides and Poster for the programming contest at SIGMOD 2014 is available. Feel free to ask me any question! (June 2014)
  • Our team (VIDA) has been selected as one of the finalists of SIGMOD 2014 programming contest. (May 2014)
  • My two submitted papers are accepted to WebDB 2014 and DSMM 2014 (both collocated with SIGMOD 2014). (May 2014)
  • I am participating in the SIGMOD 2014 programming contest. (February 2014)
  • I have just completed a 2-day Windows Azure for Research Training at NYU-CUSP (January 2014)
  • I fulfilled my coursework requirement. Cumulative GPA: 3.771 (December 2013)
  • I am a TA for CS9223 - Massive Data Analysis at NYU-Poly (Fall 2013)
  • My blog post (in Vietnamese) was republished in the website of Vietnam Music Composers Association (September 2013)
  • I passed the qualification exam! (August 2013)
  • I am a student volunteer at The 2013 ACM SIGMOD/PODS Conference (June 2013)
  • I am a summer research intern at NYU Center for Urban Science and Progress (Summer 2013)
  • After 3 and a half years of working as software developer for Cazoodle Inc., I have moved to New York City to pursue a PhD in Computer Science (August 2012)
About Me

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, under supervision of Prof. Juliana Freire. Before, I was working as software developer for Cazoodle Inc., where I participated in multiple projects, from visual crawling and scheduling to web developments. I used to work as a freelance developer in my free time before coming to the US. I got my BE in Computer Science from School of Information and Communication Technology (SoICT) at Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) in Vietnam.

Research Interests and Projects

My research interests are mainly in the area of data management: large-scale data analysis, data integration, social network and urban data analysis.

My current projects:

  • Spatio-Temporal Textual Index: Develop an efficient spatio-temporal textual index that handles spatial, temporal and textual components uniformly, archives high efficiency both in space usage and query evaluation.
  • Twitter as Social Sensor for News: Associating topics from traditional news sources and social media messages in order to use tweets as social sensor for news.
  • Who Owns New York City: Joint work with NYU Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy. We have been developing entity matching algorithms to integrate various state and local administrative datasets to identify people behind corporate owners of rental housings and the full extent of their portfolios.
  1. A Unified Index for Spatio-Temporal Keyword Queries, T. Hoang-Vu, H. Vo, J. Freire. In 25th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2016), Indianapolis, Indiana, US, 2016 [pdf]
  2. The More the Merrier: Efficient Multi-Source Graph Traversal, M. Then, M. Kaufmann, F. Chirigati, T. Hoang-Vu, K. Pham, A. Kemper, T. Neumann, H. Vo. In 41th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2015), Kohala Coast, Hawaii, US, 2015 [pdf]
  3. Bridging Vocabularies to Link Tweets and News, T. Hoang-Vu, A. Bessa, L. Barbosa and J. Freire. In International Workshop on the Web and Databases (WebDB 2014), Snowbird, Utah, US, 2014 [pdf]
  4. Towards Understanding Real-Estate Ownership in New York City: Opportunities and Challenges, T. Hoang-Vu, V. Been, I. Ellen, M. Weselcouch, J. Freire. In Data Science for Macro-Modeling Workshop (DSMM 2014), Snowbird, Utah, US, 2014 [pdf]

The structure of this website was stolen from my advisor.

My LinkedIn, Twitter, and personal blog (in Vietnamese).


Last modified: March 14, 2020 18:55:02 UTC